Saturday, July 31, 2004

Am I missing something?

I didn't actually want to say anything negative in this blog about other Christian bloggers, and it does seem a bit hard to single out Jonathan as the first one who makes me change my mind; but Church, What on earth happened to you? somehow focuses something that's been nagging somewhere in the back of my mind about a number of things that are going around in emerging church circles.

I don't quite know how to put it into words. So much of it seems somehow kind of, well - pharisaical. As if we are the only people who feel any of this, while all the rest of the people who are not EC are perfectly happy with the church as it is, luxuriating in their complacency. It ain't necessarily so. There are hundreds, thousands of people in the churches that haven't come out yet (if that's the alternative to emerging) who know we haven't got it right, but are loyal enough to the church that has nurtured them to stay with the ship, foundering though it may be, and keep baling and patching and rebuilding until it either floats or lands on the back of a whale or otherhow arrives at the Land.

It's not fair or right or godly or loving to write off the faithful Christians who don't see it quite the same way.

posted by Tony at 7/31/2004 03:31:00 pm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Tony, maybe you could have a go at answering the question I posed for Maggi Dawn over at THE GRACE PAGES?


2:59 pm  
Blogger maggi said...

Hooray for you, Tony. Good post. I kind of think of myself as 'Emerging' in spirit, but any Emerging I'm doing is firmly and unrepentanly within the anglican church, which I'm not planning to leave anytime soon.

8:14 am  

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