Thursday, December 02, 2004

When is a War not a War?

I was searching the Web today for one of those handy maps or lists of all the wars currently going on in the world: there was something of the sort in the Radio Times a few weeks ago. Naturally - I should have expected as much - this was not as straightforward as I had hoped. It seems that one person's war is another's insurrection is another's campaign of terrorism is another's organised criminal activity.

The list on Wikipedia could easily be an area for endless arguments about NPOV. While the WILPF web-site includes an entry among Minor Armed Conflicts for USA vs. poor people: 'mostly African American shooting each other and others, inner cities'. True, but not quite what I was looking for.

Where to find something authoritative, impartial, but also holding similar (unbiased, impartial) views to myself? I thought I was getting somewhere with the Institute for War and Peace Reporting, but even here there doesn't seem to be one handy page I can look at which has a world map with all the wars marked, linking to more information. Does anyone else know if there's that kind of Dummies Guide to Wars anywhere?

posted by Tony at 12/02/2004 05:58:00 pm


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