Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Returned Hymn Books

Covered with confusion, I have to report that the hymn books have returned. They were not, in fact, stolen by weasels or wildwooders, and I offer my sincere apologies to the man who broke down the robes cupboard door, for even suspecting him of having anything to do with it. (However, I still owe him a whacking for the door episode, and will be happy to repay that debt whenever he wants to claim it.)

The hymn books were in fact legitimately borrowed by a member of the congregation to use with one of the Advent study groups. S/he had asked me if it was OK and I said Yes, and had forgotten all about it. In mitigation however, I would say I never could have imagined that s/he was asking for, or intending to use, 12 music copies, when only the words were necessary. Nor that s/he would not have returned them by the following Sunday, when they were actually needed for both services and, without them, the choir had to make up the tunes they were singing.

What can I learn from this incident? Probably, that I just have no idea how much even key members of the congregation are unaware of the needs of other aspects of the church's life, or other services, that they do not attend or are not involved in. I take it for granted that everyone knows that we sing hymns at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., that we have a choir, that the choir need music editions. Perhaps someone who at present mostly comes to the 8 o'clock doesn't know these things.

posted by Tony at 11/30/2004 09:55:00 am


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