Saturday, November 27, 2004

20th Century Greats

Can't believe I nearly missed Howard Goodall's 20th Century Greats first programme on Lennon and McCartney. In fact, I did miss the first quarter of an hour; but the rest was fascinating. Goodall's assessment is that the Beatles will be recognised as among the truly great musical phenomena of the 20th century, because their innovative work changed not only pop music, but revived the whole Western musical tradition which had been ruinously damaged by the classical avant-garde of the 50s and 60s.

Can't wait to see the later programmes on Cole Porter, Bernard Herrmann and Leonard Bernstein.

posted by Tony at 11/27/2004 08:04:00 pm


Blogger David L Rattigan said...

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. (Jumps around excitedly.) He's doing an episode about Bernard Herrmann??? Can't wait. Thanks for the tip-off.

12:20 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I inadvertently deleted the latest edition of Howard Goodall's Greats, on Cole Porter. Does anyone have a copy they could send me? If so, I would be happy to pay costs. My e-mail address is:

Many thanks,

Leighton Vaughan Williams

10:43 pm  

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