Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Required Reading

Well, I thought so when I saw Christopher Booker's The Seven Basic Plots: Why we tell stories. It's a stonking great tome weighing in at 1.2 kilos, 728 pages and £25. So not the kind of book that makes for easy bedtime reading. You can't slip it into your pocket and read it in an idle moment at the bus stop, either. Also, it got reviews in the Observer and Daily Telegraph that were admiring at the same time as dismissive - a bit of professional envy here, perhaps? But, thanks to my good friend Dr S. I had a recent book token to invest in it, in the name of professional development, continuing ministerial education etc.

In another review, someone claimed to have read it thoroughly in 7 days. But I think you may have to watch this space for 7 months to find out a) if I manage to get through it; and b) what I think of it.

posted by Tony at 12/07/2004 10:01:00 am


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