Tuesday, December 07, 2004

oh dog

I'm just giving enormous and hearty thanks to whatever angel keeps an eye on dogs. Personally, I was surprised there was one - I'm one of those people who can't recognise one dog from another of the same breed - but dog-loving friends assure me there is such an angel, genius or deity. Anyway, he/she/it was looking after Polly just now.

I was cycling through the village when a dog (which naturally I did not recognise) dashed out at me with every appearance of wanting to knock me off my bike and lick me to death. I was shouting at it to go away - in the course of which it nearly ran under two passing cars - when I saw a friend running down the road, and realised at last whose dog it was. Friend was in great distress, and it was only after a couple more cars and the intervention of another passer-by that we arrested an excited Polly - who was clearly having a great time - and got her lead on.

Thank you, Dog, that I wasn't partly responsible for killing a friend's companion. That would have been pretty terrible.

posted by Tony at 12/07/2004 12:24:00 pm


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